The Battle of Trenton

With the Continental Army threatening to dissolve around him,General George Washington led the remnants of his army across the icy Delaware River on Christmas night 1776 and routed  a Hessian garrison at Trenton.The subsequent and Princeton secured Washington place as one of the greatest generals in the world history.Shortly after eight o-clock on the morning of December 26,1776,the charge on the city.Three columns with Washington personally leading the middle the soilders pushed forward, artirlly began to his astonishment,Washington had maintained element of surprise.Image result for battle of trenton

Hourglass Poem

One if by land,and two by sea shore

silently rowed to the charles town

miutemen of a british invasion

had eight children

Paul       Revere

serious committed artisan

came to america really young

took part in boston tea party

revere was a prosperious and prominet.